The Charge API allows you to configure payment channel of your choice when initiating a payment.
Create Charge
Initiate a payment by integrating the payment channel of your choice.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
email String | Customer's email address | |
amount String | Amount in subunit of the supported currency | |
bank Object | Bank account to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code) | |
bank_transfer Object | Takes the settings for the Pay with Transfer (PwT) channel. Pass in the account_expires_at param to set the expiry time. | |
authorization_code String | An authorization code to charge (don't send if charging a bank account) | |
pin String | 4-digit PIN (send with a non-reusable authorization code) | |
metadata Object | A JSON object | |
reference String | Unique transaction reference. Only - , .` , = and alphanumeric characters allowed. | |
ussd Object | USSD type to charge (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card) | |
mobile_money Object | Mobile details (don't send if charging an authorization code, bank or card) | |
device_id String | This is the unique identifier of the device a user uses in making payment. Only - , .` , = and alphanumeric characters allowed. | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "email": "",7 "amount": "10000",8 "metadata": {9 "custom_fields": [10 {11 "value": "makurdi",12 "display_name": "Donation for",13 "variable_name": "donation_for"14 }15 ]16 },17 "bank": {18 code: "057",19 account_number: "0000000000"20 },21 "birthday": "1995-12-23"22}'2324curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "amount": 200,6 "currency": "NGN",7 "transaction_date": "2017-05-24T05:56:12.000Z",8 "status": "success",9 "reference": "zuvbpizfcf2fs7y",10 "domain": "test",11 "metadata": {12 "custom_fields": [13 {14 "display_name": "Merchant name",15 "variable_name": "merchant_name",16 "value": "Van Damme"17 },18 {19 "display_name": "Paid Via",20 "variable_name": "paid_via",21 "value": "API call"22 }23 ]24 },25 "gateway_response": "Successful",26 "message": null,27 "channel": "card",28 "ip_address": ",,",29 "log": null,30 "fees": 3,31 "authorization": {32 "authorization_code": "AUTH_6tmt288t0o",33 "bin": "408408",34 "last4": "4081",35 "exp_month": "12",36 "exp_year": "2020",37 "channel": "card",38 "card_type": "visa visa",39 "bank": "TEST BANK",40 "country_code": "NG",41 "brand": "visa",42 "reusable": true,43 "signature": "SIG_uSYN4fv1adlAuoij8QXh",44 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman"45 },46 "customer": {47 "id": 14571,48 "first_name": null,49 "last_name": null,50 "email": "",51 "customer_code": "CUS_hns72vhhtos0f0k",52 "phone": null,53 "metadata": null,54 "risk_action": "default"55 },56 "plan": null57 }58}
Submit PIN
Submit PIN to continue a charge
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
pin String | PIN submitted by user |
reference String | Reference for transaction that requested pin |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "pin": "1234",7 "reference": "5bwib5v6anhe9xa"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "id": 2046671778,6 "domain": "test",7 "status": "success",8 "reference": "36xz3b9rie9ppvz",9 "amount": 10000,10 "message": "madePayment",11 "gateway_response": "Approved",12 "paid_at": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",13 "created_at": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",14 "channel": "bank",15 "currency": "NGN",16 "ip_address": "",17 "metadata": "",18 "log": null,19 "fees": 50,20 "fees_split": null,21 "authorization": {22 "authorization_code": "AUTH_nrp5ly1goc",23 "bin": "000XXX",24 "last4": "X000",25 "exp_month": "12",26 "exp_year": "9999",27 "channel": "bank",28 "card_type": "",29 "bank": "Zenith Bank",30 "country_code": "NG",31 "brand": "Zenith Emandate",32 "reusable": false,33 "signature": null,34 "account_name": null35 },36 "customer": {37 "id": 44494174,38 "first_name": null,39 "last_name": null,40 "email": "",41 "customer_code": "CUS_cm4hqzmhg0u0ded",42 "phone": null,43 "metadata": null,44 "risk_action": "default",45 "international_format_phone": null46 },47 "plan": null,48 "split": {},49 "order_id": null,50 "paidAt": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",51 "createdAt": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",52 "requested_amount": 10000,53 "pos_transaction_data": null,54 "source": null,55 "fees_breakdown": null,56 "transaction_date": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",57 "plan_object": {},58 "subaccount": {}59 }60}
Submit OTP
Submit OTP to complete a charge
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
otp String | OTP submitted by user |
reference String | Reference for ongoing transaction |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "otp": "123456",7 "reference": "5bwib5v6anhe9xa"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "id": 2046671778,6 "domain": "test",7 "status": "success",8 "reference": "36xz3b9rie9ppvz",9 "amount": 10000,10 "message": "madePayment",11 "gateway_response": "Approved",12 "paid_at": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",13 "created_at": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",14 "channel": "bank",15 "currency": "NGN",16 "ip_address": "",17 "metadata": "",18 "log": null,19 "fees": 50,20 "fees_split": null,21 "authorization": {22 "authorization_code": "AUTH_nrp5ly1goc",23 "bin": "000XXX",24 "last4": "X000",25 "exp_month": "12",26 "exp_year": "9999",27 "channel": "bank",28 "card_type": "",29 "bank": "Zenith Bank",30 "country_code": "NG",31 "brand": "Zenith Emandate",32 "reusable": false,33 "signature": null,34 "account_name": null35 },36 "customer": {37 "id": 44494174,38 "first_name": null,39 "last_name": null,40 "email": "",41 "customer_code": "CUS_cm4hqzmhg0u0ded",42 "phone": null,43 "metadata": null,44 "risk_action": "default",45 "international_format_phone": null46 },47 "plan": null,48 "split": {},49 "order_id": null,50 "paidAt": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",51 "createdAt": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",52 "requested_amount": 10000,53 "pos_transaction_data": null,54 "source": null,55 "fees_breakdown": null,56 "transaction_date": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",57 "plan_object": {},58 "subaccount": {}59 }60}
Submit Phone
Submit phone number when requested
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
phone String | Phone submitted by user |
reference String | Reference for ongoing transaction |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "phone": "08012345678",7 "reference": "5bwib5v6anhe9xa"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "id": 2046671778,6 "domain": "test",7 "status": "success",8 "reference": "36xz3b9rie9ppvz",9 "amount": 10000,10 "message": "madePayment",11 "gateway_response": "Approved",12 "paid_at": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",13 "created_at": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",14 "channel": "bank",15 "currency": "NGN",16 "ip_address": "",17 "metadata": "",18 "log": null,19 "fees": 50,20 "fees_split": null,21 "authorization": {22 "authorization_code": "AUTH_nrp5ly1goc",23 "bin": "000XXX",24 "last4": "X000",25 "exp_month": "12",26 "exp_year": "9999",27 "channel": "bank",28 "card_type": "",29 "bank": "Zenith Bank",30 "country_code": "NG",31 "brand": "Zenith Emandate",32 "reusable": false,33 "signature": null,34 "account_name": null35 },36 "customer": {37 "id": 44494174,38 "first_name": null,39 "last_name": null,40 "email": "",41 "customer_code": "CUS_cm4hqzmhg0u0ded",42 "phone": null,43 "metadata": null,44 "risk_action": "default",45 "international_format_phone": null46 },47 "plan": null,48 "split": {},49 "order_id": null,50 "paidAt": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",51 "createdAt": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",52 "requested_amount": 10000,53 "pos_transaction_data": null,54 "source": null,55 "fees_breakdown": null,56 "transaction_date": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",57 "plan_object": {},58 "subaccount": {}59 }60}
Submit Birthday
Submit Birthday when requested
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
birthday Date | Birthday submitted by user e.g. 2016-09-21 |
reference String | Reference for ongoing transaction |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "birthday": "1961-09-21",7 "reference": "5bwib5v6anhe9xa"8}'910curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "id": 2046671778,6 "domain": "test",7 "status": "success",8 "reference": "36xz3b9rie9ppvz",9 "amount": 10000,10 "message": "madePayment",11 "gateway_response": "Approved",12 "paid_at": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",13 "created_at": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",14 "channel": "bank",15 "currency": "NGN",16 "ip_address": "",17 "metadata": "",18 "log": null,19 "fees": 50,20 "fees_split": null,21 "authorization": {22 "authorization_code": "AUTH_nrp5ly1goc",23 "bin": "000XXX",24 "last4": "X000",25 "exp_month": "12",26 "exp_year": "9999",27 "channel": "bank",28 "card_type": "",29 "bank": "Zenith Bank",30 "country_code": "NG",31 "brand": "Zenith Emandate",32 "reusable": false,33 "signature": null,34 "account_name": null35 },36 "customer": {37 "id": 44494174,38 "first_name": null,39 "last_name": null,40 "email": "",41 "customer_code": "CUS_cm4hqzmhg0u0ded",42 "phone": null,43 "metadata": null,44 "risk_action": "default",45 "international_format_phone": null46 },47 "plan": null,48 "split": {},49 "order_id": null,50 "paidAt": "2022-08-24T12:00:18.000Z",51 "createdAt": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",52 "requested_amount": 10000,53 "pos_transaction_data": null,54 "source": null,55 "fees_breakdown": null,56 "transaction_date": "2022-08-24T11:58:41.000Z",57 "plan_object": {},58 "subaccount": {}59 }60}
Submit Address
Submit address to continue a charge
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
address String | Address submitted by user |
reference String | Reference for ongoing transaction |
city String | City submitted by user |
state String | State submitted by user |
zipcode String | Zipcode submitted by user |
1#!/bin/sh2url=""3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "reference": "7c7rpkqpc0tijs8",7 "address": "140 N 2ND ST",8 "city": "Stroudsburg",9 "state": "PA",10 "zip_code": "18360"11}'1213curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "message": "Charge attempted",3 "status": true,4 "data": {5 "message": "",6 "paidAt": "2020-05-21T15:16:00.000Z",7 "plan": null,8 "log": null,9 "ip_address": "",10 "createdAt": "2020-05-21T15:14:25.000Z",11 "domain": "live",12 "fees": 390,13 "metadata": "",14 "requested_amount": 10000,15 "id": 102039,16 "currency": "NGN",17 "status": "success",18 "transaction_date": "2020-05-21T15:14:25.000Z",19 "reference": "7c7rpkqpc0tijs8",20 "subaccount": {},21 "customer": {22 "email": "",23 "last_name": "Ben",24 "metadata": null,25 "customer_code": "CUS_bpy9ciomcstg55y",26 "risk_action": "default",27 "first_name": "Jude",28 "phone": "",29 "id": 1620030 },31 "order_id": null,32 "plan_object": {},33 "authorization": {34 "signature": "SIG_5wBvKoAT64nwSJgZkHvQ",35 "authorization_code": "AUTH_82e26bc6yb",36 "reusable": true,37 "exp_month": "08",38 "card_type": "visa DEBIT",39 "last4": "4633",40 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman",41 "channel": "card",42 "brand": "visa",43 "country_code": "US",44 "bin": "440066",45 "bank": "",46 "exp_year": "2024"47 },48 "channel": "card",49 "amount": 10000,50 "created_at": "2020-05-21T15:14:25.000Z",51 "gateway_response": "Approved",52 "fees_split": null,53 "paid_at": "2020-05-21T15:16:00.000Z"54 }55}
Check Pending Charge
When you get pending
as a charge status or if there was an exception when calling any of the /charge endpoints, wait 10 seconds or more, then make a check to see if its status has changed. Don't call too early as you may get a lot more pending than you should.
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
reference String | The reference to check |
1#!/bin/sh2url="{reference}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Charge attempted",4 "data": {5 "amount": 200,6 "currency": "NGN",7 "transaction_date": "2017-05-24T05:56:12.000Z",8 "status": "success",9 "reference": "zuvbpizfcf2fs7y",10 "domain": "test",11 "metadata": {12 "custom_fields": [13 {14 "display_name": "Merchant name",15 "variable_name": "merchant_name",16 "value": "Van Damme"17 },18 {19 "display_name": "Paid Via",20 "variable_name": "paid_via",21 "value": "API call"22 }23 ]24 },25 "gateway_response": "Successful",26 "message": null,27 "channel": "card",28 "ip_address": ",,",29 "log": null,30 "fees": 3,31 "authorization": {32 "authorization_code": "AUTH_6tmt288t0o",33 "bin": "408408",34 "last4": "4081",35 "exp_month": "12",36 "exp_year": "2020",37 "channel": "card",38 "card_type": "visa visa",39 "bank": "TEST BANK",40 "country_code": "NG",41 "brand": "visa",42 "reusable": true,43 "signature": "SIG_uSYN4fv1adlAuoij8QXh",44 "account_name": "BoJack Horseman"45 },46 "customer": {47 "id": 14571,48 "first_name": null,49 "last_name": null,50 "email": "",51 "customer_code": "CUS_hns72vhhtos0f0k",52 "phone": null,53 "metadata": null,54 "risk_action": "default"55 },56 "plan": null57 }58}